March 21, 2013

Top 10 Things to Do in Okinawa Japan - 2016

An Updated List of 10 Things to Do on the Island of Okinawa Japan in 2016

things to do on okinawa
The Ferris Wheel - Okinawa
Whether you love to get outside and enjoy the sights, or sit down and feast on the food, this list of things to do in Okinawa is sure to have something for everyone.

This list is put together to highlight some of the amazing activities and opportunities available on Okinawa for those who are visiting, or even living on the wonderful island. It is by no means conclusive or all encompassing, but it does contain some of the most popular, and well known attractions on Okinawa.

Got a favorite activity or attraction in Okinawa that isn't on this list? Mention it in the comments below.

Top 10 Things To Do in Okinawa

Here they are, starting with #10:

Peace Prayer Park on Okinawa
Peace Prayer Park on Okinawa
10. Visit Local WWII Historical Sites - such as Peace Prayer Park and the Japanese Underground HQ. These two locations, as well as many others scattered around the island, are a worthwhile stop and give a chance to remember the huge battle that took place on Okinawa during WWII. The Japanese Underground HQ is a fascinating place where visitors are allowed to walk the underground tunnels and rooms that served as Japan's military HQ on Okinawa during the battle. Both Peace Prayer Park and the Japanese Underground Museum are located at the southern end of Okinawa, near Naha city and provide unique and personal insights into the war.

9. Take Part in an Okinawan Festival - Including the Cherry Blossom Festival, Obon, Orion, Dragon Boat Races, And the Largest Tug-O-War in the world. Okinawan's love their festivals, and they are scattered throughout the year, and around the island. The Cherry Blossom Festival is held in the spring, when Japanese cherry trees bloom amazing pink blossoms. Travel north to Nago where you will easily spot the large pink mountain, called Nago Mountain, that is covered in Japanese Cherry Trees. It is a fun place to hike and enjoy the picturesque views as well as the festival activities in town. Be sure to look up more information on all the amazing festivals available in Okinawa.

Shuri Castle Okinawa
Shuri Castle - Outer Wall
8. Tour Shuri Castle and Other Japanese Castles dating back almost 1000 years! Shuri Castle, located in southern Okinawa, is a fully restored Okinawan castle built sometime around 1300. Nakagusuku Castle Ruins, another Okinawan castle, is conveniently located near the middle of Okinawa, close to Camp Foster, and Kadena AFB. While only the castle walls are standing, it presents an intriguing look at very advanced mortar-less stone building techniques. Both of these castles, and many more scattered around the island, have great views, rich history, and fun outdoor adventures.

7. Take Advantage of the Ocean Around Okinawa with Many Different Water Sports - Like the Ocean? Then Okinawa is the place for you with plenty of water activities including Scuba Diving trips, Jet Skiing, Wake Boarding, Para-sailing  Deep Sea Fishing, Sailing, Surfing, Spearfishing, and much, much more. There is really something for everyone on Okinawa when it comes to water activities. Three activities I enjoy on the island are Skimboarding, Spearfishing and Snorkeling.

6. Shop at the many Malls, Stores, Markets, and Streets around the island - Okinawa is a great place to get out and shop, not just to buy souvenirs  but to get out and experience some Japanese culture. With several older street shopping locations such as Kokusai Street (downtown Naha), Heiwadori (next to Kokusai street) and the meat market (located on Heiwadori) as well as Gate 2 Street and Park Avenue, there is plenty of old style, street market shopping to be had. And for those more interested in a modern shopping experiences, check out Jusco, other malls, and American Village, just south of Kadena AFB Gate 1. It is always fun to go shopping on Okinawa because of the unique and strange items that can be found, and purchased.

Hiji Falls okinawa waterfall - things to do in okinawa
Hiji Falls
5. Travel to Northern Okinawa and the Motobu Peninsula - Visit the Churaumi Aquarium, Hike Hiji Falls, Tour Cape Hedo and stay the night at Okuma while touring the north of Okinawa. The Aquarium, which is a major attraction on Okinawa and possibly one of the best in the world, is just one of the many adventures available to those who venture north. Okuma has both an American Military recreational facility and a Japanese resort and are each situated on fantastic beaches with lots of water activities. Don't let yourself be bound to the more populous southern part of Okinawa, take a trip north for a wonderful adventure.

4. Eat Authentic Japanese and Okinawan Food while on Okinawa - There is so much great food to be eaten on Okinawa, I could never list it all, but here are some you don't want to miss: Sushi (and sushi go-round restaurants), Okinawa Soba, Yakitori, Taco Rice, Yakisoba, Fried Rice, and this list could go on and on. The key, then, is to be bold and try as many different foods as possible, settling on your favorites. Many people are surprised when they try Okinawan food, and end up loving it.

3. Scuba Dive or Snorkel Okinawa's World Famous Coral Reefs and Surrounding Islands - Okinawa is one of the best places to get a scuba diving certification because of the low cost, and huge selection of dive sites. For those interested in staying near the surface of the water, take advantage of the clear ocean and snorkel at any one of the fantastic locations around the islands. The coral reef formations are beautiful to look at and the many different types of tropical fish are amazing. And if you want to Dive or Snorkel at one of the top five places in the world, just take a quick ferry ride to the Kerama Islands where the seascapes are unbelievable. One of my favorite experiences was swimming with a giant sea turtle on Zamami Island.

2. Eat at CoCo's Curry - Possibly the Best Restaurant in the World - While I have known a few people who didn't like CoCo's Curry, the vast majority of people I know loved it. What is CoCo's Curry? It's a restaurant chain in Japan (and spreading to America, slowly) that serves curry on rice, with a number of different toppings available. You get to choose how spicy the curry is, as well as how many grams of rice you want to eat. It is hard to say what makes CoCo's Curry so good, but it is one of those places you have to go and experience for yourself. Learn more about this place by checking out our Review of CoCo's Curry.

zamami island beach near okinawa
A Beautiful Secluded Beach
1. Go to the Beach - Okinawa has beaches everywhere and they tend to be a hub of activities, food and shopping that cannot be missed. There are several popular beaches near the middle of the island, including Tropical Beach, Sunset Beach, Araha Beach and Kadena Marina. These are great beaches to go to if you are looking to mingle with lots of other people. But if you want a more private beach, take a drive north and follow the coast of Okinawa. You will quickly find beach after beach with almost no one else around. Enjoying a beach all to yourself is very relaxing, and easy to find on Okinawa.

Bonus Activity - Go Ice Skating! Yes, even on tropical Okinawa, you can go Ice Skating at Southern Hill Sports World near Naha. This Indoor ice skating rink has plenty of public skate sessions with skate rentals. If you are looking for a unique activity  or are missing the cold of a snowy country, then enjoy a few hours of ice skating. Learn more about ice skating in Okinawa.

This top 10 things to do in Okinawa was put together to encourage everyone visiting, or living on Okinawa to get out and see more, do more and enjoy more of Okinawa.

Hope you found some new ideas for things to do, and be sure to post a comment with some of your favorites.

In case you're still looking for ideas, check out 7 More Things to Do in Okinawa!

February 28, 2013

Pictures from Okinawa - Beaches and Ocean

Amazing Pictures of Okinawa

Okinawa Beach
These are a collection of pictures from various places around Okinawa, mostly of the beach or ocean. There truly is plenty to do and see on Okinawa, it just takes an adventurous spirit.

Check out our Things to do on Okinawa page, if your looking for some ideas!

While there are beaches almost anywhere you look, some of the best beaches and coral formations are on the small island around Okinawa such as Zamami and Ikei.

Some of these islands you can drive across bridges to, while others require a ride on a ferry.

It is certainly worthwhile to explore the many beaches on Okinawa to discover some of the hidden gems the island has to offer.

Hope you enjoy these pictures, and that they offer inspiration to take an adventure of your own.

boat in calm water in japan
Fishing boat in the calm ocean near Kadena AFB
Coral formations off the coast of okinawa
Beautiful coral and blue ocean on Ikei Island
Zamami island ocean near okinawa
A view of the amazing water around Okinawa. This is at Zamami Island
Engrish sign
Engrish - When technically it is English, but it still doesn't make sense
dark blue water and green islands
Perfectly Blue Ocean off the coast of Okinawa
Kanji Okinawa in sand
Okinawa in Japanese Kanji Characters written in the sand
Looking for more on the beaches around Okinawa? View all posts related to Beaches on Okinawa

January 26, 2013

Vending Machines in Japan

Japanese Vending Machines are the Most Unique in the World

small japanese red coca cola machine
Small Coca-Cola Machine
Vending Machines have become more and more popular around the world for selling not just drinks, but almost anything. Japan is one of the world leaders in vending machine technology, and use. But I don't want to focus on all the different types of things you can find in Japanese vending machines or the flat screen TVs that are showing up in them, I just want to give an overview of the incredible variety of drinks available at nearly every street corner

Don't Be Afraid to Try Something Different from a Japanese Vending Machine

For the majority of Americans who visit Japan and Okinawa, the small kanji symbols mean next to nothing, let alone describe what is in a drink. So it would be easy to pick something like Coke, and never try any of the other drinks with odd bits of confusing English framed by possibly important Japanese words.

But some of my favorite drinks have been just that kind.

variety of japanese vending machines in a row

So when you see a long line of vending machines, don't be afraid to take a chance and try something that looks fun. The drinks in Japanese vending machines range from relatively normal Coke and Pepsi products to tea, coffee, and even health and energy drinks.

vending machines in japan with beer

And yes, Japan does sell Budweiser from a vending machine.

green japanese vending machines

 An example of the huge variety of drinks available. With so many options, it is often hard to pick which drink to try. But get out there and go for it, you might just find a new favorite refreshing beverage.

December 28, 2012

Things to Do in Okinawa in the Winter

In the Cold Winter Months, What Things are There to Do on Okinawa?

Let's begin by saying that 'winter' in Okinawa is most other places fall or spring. The temperature is usually around 50-60 F. It never gets below freezing, and the water is usually warmer than the air in the winter time.

But, what is there to do on a tropical island in the 'winter colder' months? Well, plenty actually!

The Ocean around Okinawa actually stays very mild, even in the winter

Visiting Historical Sites such as Japanese Castles

Okinawa is home to a huge number of very historical sites such as WWII bunkers and caves, Museums and  even Japanese Castles dating back to around the 12th century AD. 

These old Castles from the Samurai period of Japanese history offer impressive mortar-less architecture and beautiful views from the castle walls.

Shuri Castle on Okinawa
They are scattered across Okinawa, and one can often run across them while exploring the island. 

The most famous castle on Okinawa is Shuri Castle located in Naha at the southern end of Okinawa. While it is often very busy with tourists, it is a must visit. The castle has been completely restored to its original condition, unlike most of the other castles on Okinawa. 

There are many different tours available through a number of services on Okinawa which will guide you through any historical location you wish to visit. So get out and visit a historical location.

Restaurants on Okinawa

When the weather is cold out, nothing warms the body like a delicious bowl of Soba Noodles. Vaguely similar to a chicken noodle soup, Okinawa Soba is miles ahead. 

Often served with pork spare ribs or other slow cooked meats, it fills the body and soul with fantastic flavors and perfect noodles. Don't miss out on eating Okinawa Soba while on Okinawa!

One of the best Soba shops is located just inside the city of Nago, towards the north of Okinawa. For more information and directions, check out my post about Okinawa Soba

Best Shopping Places on Okinawa

There are plenty of places to shop on Okinawa. Jusco, Gate 2 and American Village are three that can be reached quickly from the Kadena area.

The Ferris Wheel at the American Village
Jusco provides a department store type feel with a Japanese twist of culture and clothing. It is a fun place to browse for entertainment, or even shop for useful items. These large stores are located throughout Okinawa, and can be spotted by their large signs.

Gate 2 Street, located directly out Kadena Air Base gate 2, has a number of clothing, souvenir, and miscellaneous shops. A full day of walking and shopping is just waiting for anyone willing to browse the back streets in the area. Just be sure to avoid shopping there at night, when it becomes more of a night club/bar scene.

American Village is located outside Kadena Gate 1, in the Sunabe Seawall area. This shopping area includes a Jusco, and probably another 100 or more small shops and restaurants scattered around the area. With plenty of shopping and small stores to explore, American Village is a place that can be visited over and over again.

Okinawa is an enjoyable and fun place to be, no matter the weather or season. Hopefully these things to do on Okinawa give you some ideas to enjoy Okinawa more.

November 29, 2012

Surfing on Okinawa

Things to do in Okinawa - Surfing

While most people think of Hawaii when they think of surfing, Okinawa has a large surf community and plenty of locations.

Whether you are an experienced surfer visiting or moving to Okinawa, or a beginner looking for something fun to do on Okinawa, surfing is a very enjoyable and rewarding activity.

sunabe seawall surfing okinawa

Want to Surf on Okinawa? Check out Sunabe Seawall

Sunabe Seawall is the most popular place to surf on Okinawa. What makes it so popular is that it regularly has good waves, and it is located in the middle of the island, right outside Kadena Gate 1. (it is also a fantastic place to watch the brilliant Okinawa sunsets.)

sunabe seawall waterIt has easy access to the water through steps and various intervals along the seawall and there is parking very close by.

The waves tend to be waist to head height on good days. But, when the ocean is calm, the waves will disappear.

It is important to not only check the tides, ocean currents and weather conditions, but also to actually go and watch the waves, and other surfers.

Surfing at sunabe seawall okinawaMost experienced surfers take plenty of time before going out to see how the waves are coming in, and if there are any currents to watch out for.

If you are new to Okinawa, it is also a great idea to talk with the local surfers, both Japanese and American, and ask them for any tips or information.

watching from the seawall okinawaFor those who are new to surfing, it is best to find a friend or make a friend, who has experience surfing and can teach the basics before trying to ride wave. There are several surf shops in the seawall area with surfboards for sale. These places are often a hangout for the experienced surfers, so stop in and ask about classes or lessons.

When Typhoons come close to Okinawa, the waves can become monsters, crashing into the shallow coral reef with tremendous power. So always look to see if there are other surfers around before going out. Better yet, always surf with a buddy.

A good saying on Okinawa about surfing is, if the locals aren't riding, then neither should you.

For more information on surfing Okinawa, or other things to do on Okinawa, leave a comment.

November 19, 2012

Okuma Resort and Beach

skimboarding Okuma Beach Okinawa
Okuma Beach Okinawa

Okuma - A Perfect Summer Vacation Destination

If you're looking for a summer vacation beach, look no further than Okuma Recreation Facility on the northern end of Okinawa.

Okuma provides military service members, retirees and dependents with a beautiful tropical island vacation resort on a small peninsula jetting out into the East China Sea.

The purpose of Okuma is to provide recreation and relaxation for the US military stationed on Okinawa.

Brief History of Okuma

Okuma resort comes from a very humble beginning when it was first envisioned in 1947. After a few years, and significant help from the local Okinawan Farmers, the resort was finished using mostly second hand construction materials.

More on the History of Okuma Here

Today, the Okuma Peninsula contains not only the Military Okuma Resort, but also a Japanese Okuma Resort.

Okuma Jet ski rental
Jet Ski Rental at Okuma

All the Activities You Could Want!

Okuma provides all the water and vacation related actives one could want. Here is a list of the water activities available at Okuma. Note, activities do change based on the season and availability of boats.

Water Activities:

  • Jet Ski
  • Wake Boarding
  • Water Skiing
  • Ski Tubing - 1, 2, 3 or 4 people at a time!
  • Banana Boat Ride
  • Paddle Boat
  • Glass Bottom Boat
  • Coral Connection Snorkel Trip
  • Scuba Diving Boat Trip
  • Kayaks
  • Skimboards
  • Snorkeling, Scuba gear rentals
For Prices, visit the Official Okuma Recreation Page

There are also plenty land activities for those who don't like the water, or want to try something different. Most activities have a small rental fee, but some are also free!

Sunset okuma beach okinawa
Sunset on Okuma Beach 
Land Activities:
  • Bikes
  • Buggy Bikes
  • Pedal Cars
  • Habu Links 9-hole Golf Course
  • Putt-Putt Golf Course
  • Go-Kart Race Track
  • Tennis Courts
  • DVD Movie and Video Game rentals
  • Kids Game Room with Air Hockey, Ping Pong, Board Games, and Video Games
  • Batting Cages
  • Basketball Court
  • Garden Maze
  • Volleyball Court
  • SurfSide Restaurant, Cafe, and Waverunner Lounge 

With this huge list of activities, a full week can blow by in no time! Other activities in the Area include hiking Hiji Falls, Traveling to Hedo Point, and exploring the tiny Okinawan villages in the area.

Accommodations at Okuma Resort

Okuma Offers three basic options for accommodations: Camping, Cabins and Suites.

There are plenty of camping places just a few steps away from the beach that have picnic tables, BBQ pits, and a Bathroom/shower building.

The Log Cabins offer Air Conditioning a refrigerator and three beds all tucked into a small log cabin. Parking, fire pit and picnic table are also just outside the cabin.

The Suites at Okuma are best for those planning to stay more than a quick weekend, and would prefer a relaxing environment. Complete with TV's, Queen size beds, bathroom/shower and all the furnishings of a regular hotel.

skimboarding okuma beach
A local Skimboarder at Okuma Beach

Okuma Beach - Perfect Sandy Beach!

Okuma boasts two beautiful beaches on each side of the peninsula. Each offers water activities, while the North Beach is best for swimming, and has a roped swimming area with lifeguards.

So whether you want a quick weekend taste of a tropical island resort, or are looking for a full week getaway, Okuma has almost anything one could want in a tropical vacation.

Got questions or thoughts? Leave them in the comments below.

Check out more Beach Reviews or other Things to do on Okinawa

October 31, 2012

The Best Sunsets and Sunrises

Sunset on Okinawa
Okinawa Sunset

Watching the Sun Set or Rise on Okinawa 

Okinawa is an island, and as such, it has a beautiful uninterrupted ocean view in every direction. So whether you love waking up early to see a sunrise, or setting out in the evening for the sunset, you won't be disappointed on Okinawa.

Best Places to Watch the Sunrise or Sunset

Okinawa offers plenty of locations to view the sunset or sunrise. On one occasion I simply pulled off to the side of the road on a drive a long the coast to snap a few pictures of a perfect sunset.

But there are two types of locations that offer the best sunrise and sunset viewing; Castles and Beaches.

Castles on Okinawa offer the highest vantage points for viewing a sunset or sunrise with some providing a view of both the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea.

For a sunrise, look up castles closer to the east side of the island. Some possibilities include Katsuran Castle and Nakagusuku Castle.

For watching the sunset, try a castle closer to the west side of the island.

Watching the Sunset or Sunrise at a Beach

Okinawa is lined with beaches, so one can simple chose which part of the island to view the sunset/sunrise from and drive a long the coast until a beach appears.

But for those who are interested in specific locations, here are a few possibilities.

For a sunrise, one great location is the Comprehensive park located near Kadena AFB and Camp Foster. This park not only has beautiful paths and scenery, it also has a nice beach with a good view of the sunrise.

One of the most well known beaches for viewing the sunset is called, very appropriately, Sunset Beach. It is located on HWY 58 near the Mihama Jusco.

Sunset Beach offers a perfect view of the sunset and many people like to sit and enjoy watching the sun slowly slide down the sky. This beach is also very close to plenty of after dark activities, including shopping and restaurants.

There are several other options for viewing the sunset on the beach. Araha Beach, Tropical Beach and the Kadena Marina each offer perfect locations for sunset viewing.

No matter where you choose to watch the sunset or sunrise, just be sure to do it, it is worth waking up for, or taking the time to do.