
September 19, 2013

Pictures of Okinawa Beaches

Photos from Okinawa's Best Beaches

Okinawa offers plenty of beaches to enjoy and take pictures of. Here are some pictures of beautiful Okinawa beaches.

If you want to learn more about the beaches on Okinawa, check out our Beach Reviews.

Okinawa's beaches tend to have beautiful, clear water that is great for snorkeling or swimming in. The water is very comfortable in the summer, and stays relatively warm even in the winter. The sand on most Okinawa beaches is a made up of crushed coral and limestone rock. It can sometimes be a little rough, although some beaches, like Okuma, smooth their beaches to make it very comfortable underfoot.

Below are a selection of beaches on Okinawa with a short description of the beach.

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Tropical Beach on Okinawa
Tropical beach is located in Ginowan area, near the middle of the island. It is a little south of Kadena AFB and Camp Foster. Tropical beach is popular because of its nice swimming area, vending machines, picnic areas and convenient location.

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Zamami Island, off the coast of Okinawa
Exploring beyond Okinawa's beaches is a great opportunity. Many small islands are within a short ferry ride from Okinawa and offer pristine beaches with wonderful snorkeling opportunities. You can also camp out on many of them.

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Another photo from Zamami Island
 Zamami Island offers some of the best Diving and Snorkeling in the world - so don't miss out!

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Araha Beach near Jusco and the Ferris Wheel (in the background)
 Araha beach is another popular beach centrally located near Kadena AFB. This beach has nice wide sandy beaches, and a park with playground equipment. A wonderful beach for an afternoon beach trip. Read our review of Araha Beach.

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Kadena Marina Beach on Okinawa
 Kadena Marina is one of the closest beaches to Kadena AFB and offers a small but family (and American) friendly beach for taking a beach trip to. There are lots of other things to do at Kadena Marina including boat rentals, so read our Review of Kadena Marina to learn more.

Okinawa in Kanji
'Okinawa' written in Kanji in the sand
Okinawa truly has wonderful beaches just waiting to be explored. If you enjoy more deserted beaches, take a trip to the northern parts of Okinawa where you can find a beach all to yourself.

We hope you enjoyed these pictures of Okinawa's beaches, and leave a comment with any thoughts or questions.

You might also enjoy reading our recent post with the 7 Basic Words in Japanese. Or our most popular post is Top 10 Things to do in Okinawa.

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