July 29, 2013

Guide to Hiking Hiji Falls in Okinawa

A Guide for Hiji Falls - Information and Tips

Anyone looking for an outdoor activity and the opportunity to explore the amazing Okinawa jungles and a beautiful waterfall will find hiking Hiji falls to be an activity to add to their list of things to do in Okinawa!

This guide is created by Okinawa Travel Guide Blog and will cover what Hiji Falls has to offer, what to bring, directions for how to get to Hiji Falls, plenty of pictures and much more.

About Hiji Falls and What to Expect

Hiji Falls okinawa
View of Rocks at the Bottom of Hiji
Hiji Falls is a well known waterfall and hiking trail located in northern Okinawa near Okuma resort. It offers a 1.5 kilometer hike from the base camp to the waterfall over a well maintained path that winds along the river.

While Okinawa offers a number of hiking trails for those willing to find them, Hiji Falls is a convenient and popular hiking locations with picturesque river and waterfall views. The path is only 1.5 km (3km round trip - about 1.8mi) long, but it does have a number of steep staircases that offer a moderate degree of difficulty, depending on your fitness level.

Due to northern Okinawa's mostly rural state, one can see a considerable amount of native wildlife and foliage on the hike, and it gives visitors a great chance to see the natural Okinawan jungle. The path crosses the river at one point on a suspension bridge, towering almost 20 meters/yards above the river, giving a great view of the tree tops.

One can expect Hiji falls to provide an adventurous hike with plenty of photo opportunities, as well as an enjoyable outdoor experience with no modern noises to distract you. It takes most people less than an hour to hike the 1.5 km to the falls, which are a great place to stop and take a break.

Initially the path from the main gate goes through a camping area, and past a dam, but it quickly turns into a dirt or wood path with heavy vegetation all around.

What to Bring When Hiking Hiji Falls

Hiking Hiji can easily be done in a few hours but there are a few suggestions one might want to bring to make the hike more enjoyable.

Directions to Hiji Falls
The tree top Suspension Bridge
  • Comfortable Hiking Shoes - The trail consists of dirt paths, dirt steps, wood paths and wood steps. So wear shoes that you are comfortable hiking in, such as running shoes or other closed-toed options.
  • Appropriate Clothing - Okinawa is usually hot and humid, so wear clothes that you can move around in, and will allow cooling. 
  • Water/Snacks - Bring plenty of water, and perhaps an energy bar or other snacks if you think you will need it.
  • Bug-spray/Sunscreen - While most of the path is in shade, sunscreen is still a good idea. Bug-spray might also be a good idea of the bugs will irritate you.
  • Yen for Entry Fee - The entry fee to Hiji Falls is 500 Yen per person, paid at the main gate area. You should probably have more yen for vending machines (or eating at CoCo's Curry afterwards!).
  • Camera - Lots of beautiful things to photograph, so don't forget your camera!
  • Other Items - Anything else you might need for a couple of hours hiking though in Okinawa.

Directions to Hiji Falls

Information about Hiji Falls
Water pouring down Hiji Falls
Getting to Hiji Falls is relatively easy. The easiest directions are:

Drive to Okuma Resort, but at the intersection of Hwy 58 and the road that takes you to Okuma, turn right (if you are coming from Okuma, you would go straight at the intersection). Follow the signs for Hiji Falls, it is about 2km to the parking lot at the entrance of the park.

If you don't know how to get to Okuma, it is also a relatively easy drive, taking less than 2 hours:

From Naha, or any of the exits along the expressway, you simply take the expressway to Nago, then follow Hwy 58 north for about 45 minutes. As you drive along the coast, you should see a peninsula jutting out with beautiful sandy beaches. As you get to the intersection with a Familymart, you should also see signs for Okuma Resort. Taking a left will lead you to the resorts, taking a right will take you to Hiji Falls. Here are driving directions from Google Maps.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments below!

General Information - Cost/Hours

cost and hours for hiji falls
There are a lot of stairs to go up and down!
Hiji Falls Park Information:

Hours: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (Entry until 4:00 pm, in winter months 3:00 pm)
Closed during inclement weather

Cost: 500 Yen per person

The best times to visit Hiji Falls is usually in the spring or fall, when it is not too hot out. Hiji Fall is closed in inclement weather, and sometimes for Japanese holidays, so have a backup plan, like going to the beach.

We hope you found this useful, and are able to enjoy the hike to Hiji falls! If you have questions or thoughts, leave them below. Also be sure to share this with others who might enjoy it!

Looking for more on Okinawa? Consider some of our recent posts, such as Basic Words in the Okinawan Dialect or the all important Sushi Etiquette Guide.

July 2, 2013

Basic Words in the Okinawan Dialect

Okinawan Dialect: Simple Words and Phrases

okinawa dialect words and phrases
An Eclectic Version of an Old Okinwan House
Okinawa has its own dialect that is different from Japanese. In fact, Okinawa and the surrounding islands have many different dialects, but the dialect used on Okinawa is typically the most common and well known.

The Okinawan's used their dialect for many years, from sometime around 1400's or before, to the 1800's when Japan seized Okinawa and the official language was changed to Japanese.

While learning the Okinawan dialect might not be the best choice if you simply want to learn words to help you get around the island, it is a lot of fun to use with the elderly Okinawan's and it usually brings a smile to their face.

Here are just a few simply words to say in the Okinawan dialect. One should also learn as many basic phrases and words in Japanese as possible to make getting around Okinawa that much easier.

7 Simple Okinawan Dialect Words to Use in Okinwa

We will show the word in Okinawan, then with some pronunciation help, and the translation to English. If you don't think you can learn all seven words, try just one at a time.

Word -- Pronunciation = Meaning in English

Haisai -- Hai sai = Hello

Nifeedeebiru -- Ni Hey De Biru = Thank You

Chya ganjyuu -- Chi ya gan jew = Are You Healthy? (How are you?)

Mensoree -- Men so re e = Welcome

Chyuurakagi -- Chyu ra kagi = Good Looking or Beautiful

Deijii -- De i jii = Very (deijii oishii = very delicious)

Uchinanchu -- U Chi Nan Chu = Okinawan or a person from Okinawa

okinawan dialect basic words
Okinawan - English
The best way to learn these is through practice with others, especially Okinawans! So learn one or a few of these words, and try to use them as you interact with the people in Okinawa. Just remember that not everyone will know these words, so if you get a funny or confused look, it may be best to not try any other Okinawan phrases on them.

We hope you will have fun with these words, and enjoy Okinawa a little more as you get out and use them. Share this with others who might find it useful and entertaining, and leave a comment with any thoughts or questions!

Looking for ideas of things to do? Look no further than our Top 10 Things to Do in Okinawa. Or you might be interested in learn more about Typhoon Season in Okinawa.

And who wouldn't want to read our Sushi Etiquette Guide to make your next sushi adventure enjoyable, and respectful.

If you are particularly studious or ambitions, you can check out this website, which contains a list of many more words in the Okinawan dialect which you can learn, and use!

June 20, 2013

How to Prepare for Typhoon Season in Okinawa

Getting Ready for Typhoon Season with a Typhoon Checklist

Typhoon season runs from May through November in Okinawa and being prepared is big step towards surviving them without any problems.

typhoon season in okinawa, typhoon checklist
Get the Complete Hurricane
Typhoon and Cyclone guide!
Okinawa tends to get hit with a lot of typhoons. Some or rather weak and do little, while other have winds of over 150 miles an hour, and can do some damage. Fortunately houses, and telephone poles, are made from concrete which makes them sturdy enough to withstand anything a typhoon can throw at them. 

Provided below is a simply guide to creating a typhoon checklist to help you be prepared for the next storm to hit Okinawa.

Be sure to visit our Typhoon Tips page for a list of items to put in your typhoon survival kit.

Guide to Creating a Typhoon Checklist

What is a typhoon checklist? It is a series of things to do before a typhoon hits, perhaps even at the beginning of typhoon season, so that you will be prepared when the winds start to pick up.

It is important to customize your typhoon checklist to fit your needs and circumstances. So use the information below to guide you in creating your list, but also be aware that you may have unique things that should also be included in your list.

Things to include in your typhoon checklist - to be done before each typhoon:
  • Secure outside items such as patio furniture, grills, trashcans, children's play equipment, trampolines, lawn decorations etc. Either store them in your house/shed, or tie them securely to something that cannot move.
  • Trim or cut down trees and branches that could be blown over and damage your house or car.
  • Do a final outside walk around of your house to ensure it is secure with no items left to blow in the wind.
  • Fill your car with gas, and park it in a partially or fully sheltered location - somewhere it will be out of the full force of the wind, like behind a building or house.
  • Check your Typhoon Kit and add any items that may be expired or used. The kit should include things like flashlights, food, and more.
  • Have mops, towels and paper towels handy in case water somehow leaks into your house.
  • Turn your refrigerator/freezer to its coldest setting to help the food last longer in the even of a power loss. If power is lost, avoid opening the refrigerator doors.
  • If power is lost, it may be useful to have a battery operated radio to allow you to monitor the storm condition.
  • Include any other items that may be specific to your unique situation. This could include being prepared to evacuate if you live close to the water. Tailor this list to suit your needs.
  • Finally, make sure you have a variety of games and things to do while the typhoon is raging outside. It can get very boring being trapped inside waiting out the weather, so prepare some fun activities in advance.
This list should serve as a guide to help you develop your own typhoon checklist to use every time a typhoon warning is issued. Always check with others around you, including neighbors, to help you know exactly what should be on your checklist. 

Being prepared goes a long way in surviving the storm without problems. So always be as prepared as possible.

And once the storm has passed, why not get out and enjoy shopping at Jusco, or one of the other Top 10 Things to do in Okinawa.

Stay safe, leave a comment with questions or thoughts, and share with others if you found it useful!

June 4, 2013

10 Important Sushi Tips - The Sushi Etiquette Guide

Tips for Eating Sushi in Japan

Japan is a very traditional culture with many, many cultural actions based on traditions from hundreds of years ago. Japan is known for many things, and one of the biggest is sushi. But with most aspects of Japanese life, there are certain traditions and etiquette that should be followed when enjoying sushi

sushi etiquette tips in okinawa japan
Learn more about Sushi!
Okinawa is slightly less traditional compared to the rest of Japan due to its geographical separation and large American influences, yet one will find plenty of places to eat sushi, and proper etiquette is important.

For Americans or other foreigners living or visiting Okinawa, here are some sushi etiquette tips to help you make your next meal of sushi enjoyable and respectful.

Who should learn about sushi etiquette? anyone who might eat at a sushi restaurant should learn the proper actions so as to present a good image. Now, let's get to some tips to make your next sushi adventure more enjoyable.

10 Basic Sushi Etiquette Tips 

1. When entering a sushi establishment, indicate the number of people in your group by saying it in Japanese, or just by holding up the number of fingers (in some places, you may be expected to simply find your self a seat, either at a booth or at the sushi bar). For a group of four, you would say 'Yo-nin' (yoo-neen) or hold up four fingers.

tips for eating sushi in japan
How to Hold and Use Chopsticks
2. A small container of soy sauce should be at your table or provided with your sushi. Pour a small amount into the small shallow bowls also provided with the sushi. Don't put too much in your dish, it is considered rude and wasteful. If you enjoy wasabi, the green stuff (like horseradish) that comes on the side of most sushi plates, add some to your sushi, but don't mix it in the soy sauce.

3. Sushi can be eaten with either chopsticks or with your fingers, but never use your chopsticks to spear your food. If you don't have experience using chopsticks, practice at home. It is not polite to ask for silverware unless it is common at that restaurant. It is also rude to rub your chopsticks together, it suggests low quality chopsticks.

4. When eating your sushi, dip the fish, while trying to avoid dipping the rice in the soy sauce. This is because you don't want the rice to fall apart in the soy sauce.

5. Always eat the sushi in one bite, don't try cutting it into smaller pieces.

6. If you happen to also have other food such as a bowl of rice, never stick your chopsticks straight up into it. This is done only when presenting food for deceased ancestors. Either lay your chopsticks on the side of your plate, or resting on a chopsticks holder.

10 tips for eating sushi
Love Sushi? Get a Sushi Kit!
7. If you are also enjoying a bowl of soup, such as miso soup, it is OK to hold the bowl to your mouth and drink from it. You may also be given a spoon to use, which is fine.

8. When taking sushi from a common plate at the table, use a pair of serving chopsticks to put the sushi on your plate. If there are no serving chopsticks, use the back end of your own chopsticks, which should be clean.

9. Always be respectful of the other people eating at the sushi restaurant. Avoid speaking loudly or making too much noise. Bring a smile with you and be sure to learn 'thank you' in Japanese to use as often as appropriate. ('Arigatou' is thank you - ah-ree-ga-toe)

10. Have a good time and enjoy the food. In general the Japanese, especially those on Okinawa, are very forgiving of foreigner's mistakes, as long as you are trying to follow the etiquette. Even if you don't pronounce 'Arigatou' (thank you) correctly, it will usually bring a smile if you try.

Helpful video explaining more on eating sushi in Japan:

See the video above for more tips and helpful information. And remember, most Japanese or Okinawan people would love to help teach your words or proper etiquette if you ask them politely. 

For more on Okinawa, check out our Best Places to Live or the Top 10 Things to Do in Okinawa

Leave a comment below with questions or your experiences, and be sure to share this with those who might be visiting Japan!

May 28, 2013

FC Ryukyu Soccer Team on Okinawa

Catch  a Soccer Game on Okinawa!

FC Ryukyu
(Website) http://fcryukyu.com/
FC RYukyo okinawa soccer team
FC Ryukyu's Logo - Source

FC Ryukyu is Okinawa’s semi-pro soccer team. FC Ryukyu represents the Okinawa Prefecture throughout Japan in the Japan Football League (JFL) games.

Where do they play?
FC Ryukyu’s home games are played at the stadium at the Okinawa Athletic Park just south of the Mihama American Village Jusco shopping center, sharing parking lots with Chula-U spa facilities. See the FC Ryukyu website for more ticketing information and current schedule.

How to catch a game:
A great venue to explore, catch a FC Ryukyu game in the Mihama area on the weekend! Game tickets are just around $10-$15 (Y1000 – Y1500) and attendees can sit in the stands or pack a lunch from Family Mart to picnic (bento) on the grassy field around the inside of the stadium! The East China Sea can be seen behind the stadium, making the venue an attractive and casual one, great for groups of friends and families!

Get in the spirit!
FC Ryukyu soccer team okinawa
Japan Jersey
Come out in gear, or become a fan and grab your gear today! With jerseys, posters, accessories, towels, and stickers there’s gear for everyone! Come support the local team and make some noise! Learn a chant! FC Ryukyu has several chants to sing out during the game to cheer on your team! Join in the noise!

Use words like:  “Gan-ba-te” – ‘Good luck!’ (also, ‘try your best’) “I-kou-se” – ‘Go for it!’ and ‘Let’s go!’ “Ya-ta” – ‘Great!’ (shout this loudly with joy, especially for a goal)

To get even more supportive of FC Ryukyu, you can buy a soccer jersey or t-shirt for the team. Several shops in the local area sell FC Ryukyu clothing and items which make great gifts and unique memorabilia. You could also simply get a Japanese national soccer team jersey to support the country.

And after a warm game, grab a post-game meal at a nearby CoCo’s Curry, sushi-go-round or Family Mart!

Check out an FC Ryukyu game today!

Want more ideas for activities on Okinawa? View our Top 10 Things to Do in Okinawa post, or our Things to do In Okinawa page

May 23, 2013

Professional Photography on Okinawa

Exploring Photography on Okinawa

okinawa travel guide blogWith so much to offer in the way of natural beauty, Okinawa is the perfect place to grab some incredible personal/family photos from some of the very talented artists in Okinawa. From family groupings to individual portraits, these creative artists capture the beauty of both the subjects and the pretty island!

Professional photographs are an excellent idea for graduating seniors, maternity pictures, engagements and weddings, family portraits, personalized gifts, and farewell to island memories.

Two great on-island photographers are listed here:

Airin Owen:  http://airinowen.com/

okinawa photography and informatoinOther merchandise highlighting the beauty of Okinawa in photograph includes various postcards and books available in the base exchanges and locally, as well as online. These items showcase the iconic scenes of Okinawa, both the natural beauty of the oceans, beaches and floral, and the local beauty of the Okinawan people and festivals.

The books make excellent gifts for friends departing from Okinawa, family members who have not had the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of Okinawa, and personal mementos to keep the beauty of Okinawa alive.

Okinawa photography and informationWe hope you have many opportunities to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of Okinawa, and capturing the island through photograph is one of the best ways! 

Want to find some great places for snapping photos? Check out our Beach Reviews!

May 22, 2013

Where to Buy and Sell on Okinawa

The Best Places to Buy and Sell Stuff on Okinawa and Tips for Flea Markets

Looking for a venue to buy and sell in Okinawa? Here are a few easy-to-use must-know venues for finding that new piece of furniture or equipment, selling those books you don't want to carry back to the States, or swapping out your wardrobe!
With a constant flow of military service members coming to Okinawa or leave, there is plenty of items that get sold at the flee markets or online classifieds. You can even find plenty of things in the base newspapers.

On Okinawa, things like furniture, cars, snorkeling or scuba gear and other items can often be found at a good price from a variety of sources listed below. Often someone is leaving Okinawa and just can't take everything with them that they would want, or they don't plan to use it again.

So check out the options listed below before you go our and spend big bucks on a new item.

Okinawa Yard Sales - Website

This website is very much the "Craigslist" of Okinawa! Here residents on Okinawa can post items for sale and make contact with individuals interested in the offered products. Similar rules to "Craigslist" and posting on public internet forums apply: do not post personal information; beware of scams; use common sense and caution when posting, meeting, and purchasing materials.
Japan Update Classified Ads - Newspaper Classified Ads

Often along with local news, Japan Update newspaper contains a section for classified ads ranging through clothing, cars, technology, books, furniture, equipment, services, pets, and others items. The paper comes out weekly-biweekly.
buying and selling in okinawa chibana flea market
Chibana Flea Market - Source JensensInJapan

Chibana Flea Market - Flea Market

For an exciting adventure of treasure hunting and great-priced discoveries, Chibana Flea Market offers buyers a varying array of products being sold by owners, often at great prices!
Sellers interested in clearing out closets before military moves or just spring cleaning can purchase a spot for $15 for the first and third weekends of the month through Kadena AB Outdoor Rec Center (http://kadenafss.com/chibana-flea-market) and follow instructions for times and setup. This venue is great particularly because of the opportunity to the local community who covet American clothing, beauty products, supplies, jewelry, and misc. materials.

A Few Essential Tips for Sellers:

- Seller slots are set up to park your car and sell out of your trunk, arrive early for a good spot and time to set up. Best spots are those that are close to entrances.
- Bring change in both American and Japanese currency - think breaking $10-$20 and Y500-Y1000.
- Only "USED" items may be sold at Flea Market. Resale of base commissary or exchange products is strictly prohibited.
- A card table, tarp and boxes help display or sort your products for easy purchase.
- Plastic bags are a courtesy to offer buyers something to put purchases into.
- Know that the first rush of people through the gate is a little wild. (Hand gestures and knowing a few Japanese phrases can make your day easier! "Do-zo" - Please (come/look); "Hi-ya-ku-en" - Y100 (one dollar); "Go-hi-ya-ku-en" - Y500 (five dollars); "A-ri-ga-to" - Thank you)
- Bartering is KEY! Be ready to bargain, bundle, or haggle with buyers so you both walk away happy.
- Bring water/snacks for yourself and anyone helping you. Okinawa summer sales can get hot.
- Avoid being asked to "hold" items for people, whether pre- or post-purchase! It is very hard to remember who asked you to hold what for them with so many people coming through. Put a name down on large items if you hold them until the end of the sale or for later arranged pickup.
- Don't put out anything you don't want to be offered a price for, and keep an eye on products - unfortunately items occasionally walk off.
Okinawa travel guide book
Okinawa Travel Guide
- Take small bills - $1, $5, $10's as they are easier for sellers to break than $20's.
- Take water! Okinawa summer sales are hot!
- Know that you will need to carry your purchases to your car. Arrange with sellers how to collect large items during or after the sale.
- SOFA personnel has first pick of items by a half hour. After that, all locals (military and non) have the equal opportunity to products.
- Enjoy the adventure!
Looking for more things to do? Check out our Top 10 Things to do in Okinawa!