
February 28, 2013

Pictures from Okinawa - Beaches and Ocean

Amazing Pictures of Okinawa

Okinawa Beach
These are a collection of pictures from various places around Okinawa, mostly of the beach or ocean. There truly is plenty to do and see on Okinawa, it just takes an adventurous spirit.

Check out our Things to do on Okinawa page, if your looking for some ideas!

While there are beaches almost anywhere you look, some of the best beaches and coral formations are on the small island around Okinawa such as Zamami and Ikei.

Some of these islands you can drive across bridges to, while others require a ride on a ferry.

It is certainly worthwhile to explore the many beaches on Okinawa to discover some of the hidden gems the island has to offer.

Hope you enjoy these pictures, and that they offer inspiration to take an adventure of your own.

boat in calm water in japan
Fishing boat in the calm ocean near Kadena AFB
Coral formations off the coast of okinawa
Beautiful coral and blue ocean on Ikei Island
Zamami island ocean near okinawa
A view of the amazing water around Okinawa. This is at Zamami Island
Engrish sign
Engrish - When technically it is English, but it still doesn't make sense
dark blue water and green islands
Perfectly Blue Ocean off the coast of Okinawa
Kanji Okinawa in sand
Okinawa in Japanese Kanji Characters written in the sand
Looking for more on the beaches around Okinawa? View all posts related to Beaches on Okinawa

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