
June 20, 2013

How to Prepare for Typhoon Season in Okinawa

Getting Ready for Typhoon Season with a Typhoon Checklist

Typhoon season runs from May through November in Okinawa and being prepared is big step towards surviving them without any problems.

typhoon season in okinawa, typhoon checklist
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Okinawa tends to get hit with a lot of typhoons. Some or rather weak and do little, while other have winds of over 150 miles an hour, and can do some damage. Fortunately houses, and telephone poles, are made from concrete which makes them sturdy enough to withstand anything a typhoon can throw at them. 

Provided below is a simply guide to creating a typhoon checklist to help you be prepared for the next storm to hit Okinawa.

Be sure to visit our Typhoon Tips page for a list of items to put in your typhoon survival kit.

Guide to Creating a Typhoon Checklist

What is a typhoon checklist? It is a series of things to do before a typhoon hits, perhaps even at the beginning of typhoon season, so that you will be prepared when the winds start to pick up.

It is important to customize your typhoon checklist to fit your needs and circumstances. So use the information below to guide you in creating your list, but also be aware that you may have unique things that should also be included in your list.

Things to include in your typhoon checklist - to be done before each typhoon:
  • Secure outside items such as patio furniture, grills, trashcans, children's play equipment, trampolines, lawn decorations etc. Either store them in your house/shed, or tie them securely to something that cannot move.
  • Trim or cut down trees and branches that could be blown over and damage your house or car.
  • Do a final outside walk around of your house to ensure it is secure with no items left to blow in the wind.
  • Fill your car with gas, and park it in a partially or fully sheltered location - somewhere it will be out of the full force of the wind, like behind a building or house.
  • Check your Typhoon Kit and add any items that may be expired or used. The kit should include things like flashlights, food, and more.
  • Have mops, towels and paper towels handy in case water somehow leaks into your house.
  • Turn your refrigerator/freezer to its coldest setting to help the food last longer in the even of a power loss. If power is lost, avoid opening the refrigerator doors.
  • If power is lost, it may be useful to have a battery operated radio to allow you to monitor the storm condition.
  • Include any other items that may be specific to your unique situation. This could include being prepared to evacuate if you live close to the water. Tailor this list to suit your needs.
  • Finally, make sure you have a variety of games and things to do while the typhoon is raging outside. It can get very boring being trapped inside waiting out the weather, so prepare some fun activities in advance.
This list should serve as a guide to help you develop your own typhoon checklist to use every time a typhoon warning is issued. Always check with others around you, including neighbors, to help you know exactly what should be on your checklist. 

Being prepared goes a long way in surviving the storm without problems. So always be as prepared as possible.

And once the storm has passed, why not get out and enjoy shopping at Jusco, or one of the other Top 10 Things to do in Okinawa.

Stay safe, leave a comment with questions or thoughts, and share with others if you found it useful!

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