September 15, 2012

Shopping at Jusco on Okinawa

One of the largest shopping stores on Okinawa is called Jusco. 

The stores are scattered throughout Okinawa in most of the larger cities. These shopping locations have the variety of a store like Walmart, but the atmosphere of a department store.

The Large Pink Sign is Hard to Miss!
Jusco stores are often located near or attached to malls which really connects it's department store feel.

What makes shopping at a Jusco store fun and interesting is the variety of Japanese style clothes and products. One can find many fun engrish t-shirts (poorly translated English words) or even a light summer Ukata (a traditional clothing style).

Jusco is often a fun place to go during typhoons and many Japanese do this. I have had first hand experience going to a Jusco while a typhoon was raging outside, and finding the store not only open, but very busy.

Shopping at Jusco is an experience that one doesn't quickly forget because of the differences between American shopping stores and Japanese. These differences tend to be subtle, but are much more noticeable after returning to an American shopping store.

One difference I'll mention is the height of the shelves. 

Most Japanese are shorter than the average American, so the shelves of items in a Japanese store are around 6 feet or a little less.

For me, at 6'2", I can easily see over all the shelves making it convenient to spot friends or family who might have gotten lost wondering the store.

The Ferris Wheel next to Mihama Jusco

Finding a Jusco Shopping Center

There are at least 5 Jusco shopping stores scattered throughout Okinawa. One of the more popular locations is just outside Kadena Gate 1 in the Mihama American Village shopping area.

This location is just a few hundred feet from the beach, and has tons of other shops and activities within easy walking distance. One of the most iconic structures on Okinawa is just across the street from the Mihama Jusco - the Ferris wheel. . (See Picture -->)

And just behind this Jusco is another important structure - the tallest building on Okinawa at 25 stories.

Jusco - A Snapshot of Japanese Culture

Jusco offers an afternoon of entertainment and many souvenirs or interesting items can be found while browsing. The often attached malls give even more things to do ranging from 100 yen stores to unique Japanese Arcade rooms. (You've got to try the sushi slicing game)

So don't be shy when visiting Okinawa, take a trip to your nearest Jusco and enjoy a unique cultural and shopping experience.

September 5, 2012

Unspoken Traffic Rules on Okinawa

A normal residential street on Okinawa.  Source GoogleMaps
Driving on Okinawa is a different experience.

There are many differences, both obvious and subtle, to how people drive on Okinawa.

One of the obvious differences is that people drive on the left side of the road, compared to driving on the right side in America. The steering wheel is also on the left side of the vehicle, making it sometimes a little strange and unfamiliar.

Upon traveling from Japan to the States, or the opposite, I have often tried to get into the wrong side of the vehicle, often to the amusement of those with me.

The Three Car Rule

A more subtle driving rule on Okinawa is sometimes called the 'three care rule'.

At almost any intersection on Okinawa when the light changes to red, one can often notice about three cars continuing through the intersection. It is hard to tell where this started, or why it is done, but police rarely stop people for running red lights. (that doesn't mean they won't!)

Typically there is a few seconds delay between  a light for one direction turning red, and the light for the other direction turning green. Perhaps people started running the red lights because no one was in the intersection anyway.

No matter the source of this interesting occurrence, it is important to be aware of it for this reason: You may not want to stop at yellow lights, because someone could rear-end you thinking you would go through the light.

This is especially important if there is a large truck, such as a dump truck, following behind you. If this is the case, it might be in your best interest to run the light.

The good new is, people coming from the other direction where the light has just turned green, are usually very accommodating and allow late light runners a little leeway.

Stopping on the Shoulder, when there is no Shoulder

An Example of a Car Parked on the Road.   Source GoogleMap
Most roads on Okinawa are pretty tight. if there is a shoulder on the road, it is often very small, like less than half a car width. On some of the busier roads, such as 330 and 58, there is little to no shoulder.

Yet in Japan, it is common to stop in this halfway-in-the-shoulder, halfway-in-the-road position. In fact, it seems that, as long as you put the hazard lights on, you can stop just about anywhere on the road.

Many people will stop and put their hazard lights on if they receive a phone call. A law was passed int he last few years making it illegal to talk on the phone and drive, so it is common to see cars partially pulled over, with people on the phone.

In these situations, simply look for a way to drive around the parked car. If there is no easy route around, then just wait patiently. Okinawan's don't tend to be impatient when it comes to driving, and they are usually very understanding when it comes to unnatural traffic situations.

A busy intersection on Okinawa.   Source GoogleMaps
Merging - A Warning

This isn't really an unspoken traffic rule, but it is something to keep in mind. Japanese, especially Okinawans, are quite bad at merging. For some reason they struggle with the idea of yielding and joining traffic. This is usually not a problem as most roads have long enough merging areas and not too much traffic. But in a few places I have noticed, one should really be wary.

Conclusions - Take it Easy

Traffic on Okinawa can be a bit unnerving with people changing lanes quickly, stopping, and many small streets. But if you avoid trying to be in a rush, and enjoy the tropical island around you, it should be fun and entertaining to watch how people follow some of these interesting unspoken traffic rules.

August 25, 2012

Shopping on Okinawa - Gate 2 Street

Guide to Shopping Gate 2 Street in Okinawa

Gate 2 Street is a popular shopping destination for Americans looking to spend a day viewing the many different shops available within walking distance of Kadena Gate 2. It provides more tan enough to keep an avid shopper busy for the day browsing and exploring the shops and side streets that contain a myriad of different shops.

An Example of the Eye Catching Shops on Gate 2 Street

Types of Shops

There are almost as many different types of shops as there are shops on gate 2 street. There are a number of clothing shops with some selling America style clothing, sometimes with a Japanese twist, and other shops selling more traditional Japanese attire for anyone interested in a Kimono.

The Music Center with Baskin Robbins
There are also several shops selling more fashionable clothing including dresses and suits. You can even get a suit tailor made, but it won't be as inexpensive as Korea.

Besides clothing, several shops sell souvenir type items including Japanese furniture, pottery, accessories, and even samurai swords.

Be sure to check out some of the side streets because there is an entire covered market located a block or so north of gate 2 street. In this market you can find plenty of interesting vegetables and foods. There are also a variety of interesting restaurants tucked in  and around gate 2 street worth visiting.

If you walk to the end of gate 2 street, where it connects with 330 in a large intersection, there is a music center on the right that will often have live shows on weekend nights. Also located in this music center are several Japanese fastfood restaurants and even a Baskin Robbins in case anyone needs a break from shipping.

During the day, gate 2 street is a popular shopping area, but during the night it becomes a little shady as there are a number of bars located on this street catering to desperate America Military members and sketchy Japanese. So enjoy the shopping, but consider calling it a day when the sun goes down.

Location of Gate 2 Street

Park Avenue - Another Shopping street just blocks away from Gate 2
As one would expect, the shops are located on gate 2 street as you continue straight out The Kadena Air Force Base Gate 2. There are also many more shops located on the side streets and alleys primarily on the left side of the street as you face away from the military base.

I would encourage you to explore down the side streets which contain many more shops than on gate 2 street. Don't worry about getting lost, because there are plenty of helpful Japanese who will easily direct you in the right direction if you ask.

Many Japanese speak some English, but if you want to try out some Japanese, use this phrase, 'Kadena Kichi wa doko?' Which means, 'where is Kadena Base?' That should get the idea across.

Where to Park

Parking is limited and can be pricey, so avoid this by parking on base in the USO parking lot. There are plenty of extra spaces, and you can even stop in at the USO for a drink or snack at Chili's. It is a short walk out Kadena Gate 2 to get to the shops and restaurants.

View more Things to Do in Okinawa.

August 16, 2012

Things to do on Okinawa - Spearfishing

Spearfishing in Okinawa

For those with time on their hands and a desire for adventure and exploration, I suggest looking into spearfishing. Okinawa is a great place to start spearfishing because the water is clear, there are lots of fish, and you can find the equipment easily.

The waters around Okinawa and the surrounding islands offer incredible viability and variety of sea life. This makes it fantastic for snorkeling, scuba diving, and spearfishing. On clear days, viability can easily reach 100 feet. This makes it possible scan deep sections of the ocean from the surface before diving down to spear a fish. The many varieties of brightly colored tropical fish make it exciting and fun to both hunt the fish, and just enjoy watching them. There are many fish that offer a delicious meal once caught.

Equipment for snorkeling and spearfishing is easy to get on Okinawa. There are dive shops and stores on the military bases that have everything one would need to go snorkeling and in most Japanese fishing stores they have inexpensive spears for around $10.

The spears most people use are called Hawaiian sling or Pole spears. I recently wrote an article on Spearfishing tips using a pole spear or Hawaiian sling, so check it out for some helpful tips.

It is important to keep in mind a few things before you go out spearfishing. Spearfishing may not be allows for active duty military personnel in certain branches of the military. I had friends in most branches, and some could go spearfishing, while others could not, so check to be sure you are allowed to go if you are in the military.

Also, don't go spearfishing at popular snorkeling areas. This is both a safety issue and a matter courtesy. How would you like it if you were looking at fish and someone came along scaring them off and spearing them? Yeah, so just avoid the popular spots.

But don't worry, there are PLENTY of quite beaches and coral reefs scattered all over Okinawa. Consider going to the Northern parts of Okinawa. Just take a scouting trip driving around up there and I guarantee you'll find plenty of deserted beaches.

So what are you waiting for? Take your spearfishing adventure today! Check out the link I mentioned if you're looking for any spearfishing tips.

July 9, 2012

Okinawa Food: Okinawa Soba

Soba is a Japaneses noodle soup made throughout Japan. It differs in each region of Japan with different noodles and toppings. The Okinawan version is simply called Okinawa Soba and is available at many restaurants around Okinawa. Most restaurants will have not only Okinawa Soba, but also other mainland varieties, so be sure you ask for Okinawa Soba, and don't just point at the picture of noodle soup.

Okinawa Soba!
Okinawa Soba noodles are cooked in a broth made of a variety of ingredients including edible seaweed and pork. The broth is quite good, and very nice on a cold winter day.

Toppings for Okinawa Soba can very, but my favorite topping is boneless pork ribs. In Japanese, Soba with pork ribs is called Soki Soba. The pork ribs are almost always incredibly tender having been cooked for hours. 

There are many restaurants throughout the island of Okinawa that have Okinawa Soba, but my favorite soba restaurant is in the northern city of Nago.As one approaches Nago from the south, the road winds along the water until finally reaching the city. one of the first buildings on the left, (coming from the south) is a convenience store (either familymart or something), and right next door is the soba restaurant. You will know you're in the right place if it has long wooden tables in a large open room. Order and pay first, then grab a seat anywhere in at the long tables. 

Okinawa Soba is a great meal for almost any occasion, but it is especially nice in colder months or after a swim in the ocean. The aroma and flavors of Okinawa Soba are wonderful and relaxing. If you have not tried Soba, I hope you give it a shot!

July 2, 2012

Okinawa Food: Taco Rice is Delicious :

Taco Rice is a unique Okinawan adaptation of Mexican tacos. I don't know when Okinawans started making taco rice, or where it came from exactly, but I do know that taco rice is delicious, and you find it in Okinawa.
Taco Rice in Okinawa

For those who might not know what taco rice is, its actually very simple.

To make taco rice you use all the ingredients for regular tacos, such as seasoned ground beef, lettuce, tomato, cheese, salsa, and sour creme (and anything else you might want to include), and put it over sticky Japanese white rice instead of on tortillas.

Taco Rice Van!
Taco rice is a very popular late night food and if you are looking to try it, many small restaurants and street stands pop up in the evenings selling the delicious food. Look for busy parts of town, or follow the smell with your nose, either way, you won't be disappointed when you try taco rice!

My suggestion is to try it at King Taco's, because that's the best place to get taco rice from. There are several King Taco's scattered around Okinawa, so keep an eye out while you drive around. Once you have tried taco rice, consider making it yourself. it is extremely easy, and makes a wonderful conversation starter with Americans who are unfamiliar with Japan.

June 25, 2012

Kadena Marina Beach Review - Okinawa

Review of the Kadena Marina Beach in Okinawa

Kadena Marina is a small beach tucked in with a fully operating marina on the western coast of Okinawa. The marina is operated by the US Air Force out of Kadena Air Force Base located just a few minutes south on HWY 58.

The Beach:

kadena marina beach review
Kadena Marina with restaurant and marina in background
The beach itself at Kadena Marina is somewhat small, but does offer smooth sand and swimming area for those looking for a much more american feeling beach and atmosphere. The beach and surrounding area is rather picturesque with a small island located barley 50 yards off shore.

The best thing about Kadena Marina is the proximity to Kadena AFB as well as a large shopping area just down the road a little.

The Marina and Dive Shop:

The marina itself offers a wide variety of options including a restaurant overlooking the beach and boats, as well as charter fishing trips, sailboat rentals, and scuba and snorkeling rentals.

Kadena Marina has Options:

The Kadena Marina is a one stop shop for many water activities but it also offers space for summer BBQ's and get together's. Several pavilions and grills are just yards from the beach area and make for perfect summer gatherings for all different situations.

The Kadena Marina offers a great, easy access beach with plenty of amenities for those who might be less inclined to travel the island.

Check out 10 Things to do in Okinawa an also our Beach Reviews page.